A healthy productive life depends on good physical and mental health. In this workshop mentees learn the fundamentals of how to care for yourself. It will include discussions on skin care, nutrition, stress management, mental health, and healthy relationships. We will also talk about how to choose and use a good health care provider. Mentees learn to take charge of this complicated aspect of their life.
"Luckily budgeting myself has never been an issue. I've always made sure to think before purchasing something if the item is a need or a want. Sometimes we find ourselves buying unnecessary things and lose track of our money. However, In this module, I learned the envelope method. The envelope system is a way to track exactly how much money you have in each budget category for the month by keeping your cash tucked away in envelopes. At the end of the month, you can see how much cash is left by taking a quick peek in your envelope."
Glory Allen
Saunders Trade & Technical High School
Class of 2020