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HERO Grant Information


Her Honor mentees are eligible for a total of $2,000 in HERO grants. Grants are distributed in $1,000 installments at the conclusion of each semester (Fall semester: Sept-Dec; Winter/Spring semester: Jan-April).

Mentees must unlock 10 mentoring meeting badges and 2 elective badges each semester to be eligible for the HERO grant. Mentees unlock badges after completing each Feedback form related to the mentoring meeting or elective.




Unlock ALL 12 badges for the Fall semester by January 7, 2024.

To unlock each badge, the mentee must:

  • Attend 10 Fall mentoring sessions and complete 2 Electives; AND
  • Submit 12 feedback forms reflecting on weekly mentoring sessions and electives. Be sure to coordinate with your mentor to make up for any missed sessions.

Mentees who qualify for HERO Grants will receive their funds for Fall during the week of January 22nd.



Unlock ALL 12 badges for the Winter/Spring semester by April 28, 2024.

To unlock each badge, the mentee must:

  • Attend 10 Winter/Spring mentoring sessions and complete 2 Electives; AND
  • Submit 12 feedback forms reflecting on weekly mentoring sessions and electives. Be sure to coordinate with your mentor to make up for any missed sessions

Mentees who qualify for HERO Grants will receive their funds for Winter/Spring during the week of May 13th.




Eligible mentees must complete financial forms in order to receive their HERO grants.

You MUST submit your financial forms by December 15, 2023.


How to Access Financial Forms: 

  1. Log into My Her Honor.

  2. Click on the “Edit My Profile” button under your picture.

  3. Click the link for “HERO Grant Forms”