Rowena Phyllis Sinclair from Mount Vernon High School is experiencing a work environment she never knew existed. During her mentorship with Kathleen Reckling at ArtsWestchester, Rowena is exposed to a dynamic work environment that keeps her on her toes. She spends her mentorship shadowing her mentor in the art gallery, attending exhibits, events, and occasionally working the welcome desk.
Rowena remarks that “ArtsWestchester is an office space that is very unorthodox. When I think of office space I generally think of sitting down and typing, meetings and coffee. At ArtsWestchester, every day is something completely different; one-day you're moving walls around and the next you're filling out excel sheets...the team is never slow and always enthusiastic about new projects”.
Rowena attended the biggest fundraiser, the ArtsWestchester Art Gala at Sarah Lawerence College. She worked at the silent auction for the event, something she never has done before. This event took Rowena out of her comfort zone and placed her in an unfamiliar environment. The Gala was fantastic and she explained “something I would not have experienced if it was not for the Her Honor program”.
During Rowena’s mentorship, she is proactively seeking out new environments and experiences. She states “overall my experience is very interesting. It is not what I expected, it is something I was not used to at all but it is very enjoyable”.